Monday, March 3, 2025

Double Lumen Tube

  • Lung isolation and one  Lung Ventilation ( OLV )  are used to facilitate surgery on the lungs, thoracic aorta, thoracic spine, esophagus and during minimally invasive cardiac surgery.  They are also used to manage air leak (Bronchopleural fistula) and preventing contamination of healthy lung by blood or infected material.
  • It can be achieved by double lumen tracheal tube, bronchial blocker or advancing single lumen tracheal tube into a main bronchus. 
  • Modern day DLT are single use, made of PVC. They have a white or clear tracheal lumen and blue bronchial lumen. When correctly inserted tracheal lumen terminates in the distal trachea and the bronchial lumen terminates in the distal main bronchus. When initiating OLV, the connector to the operative lung is clamped and the lumen opened to air, allowing ventilation of the non-operative lung and deflation of the operative lung.

Right sided DLT
Left Sided DLT

  • Male : 41 Fr, Small stature :37 Fr
  • Female :35



  • Hoarsness of throat
  • Sore throat
  • Trauma to Arytenoids, vocal cord tears and airway rupture
  • Double-lumen tubes and bronchial blockers Patel, M. et al. BJA Education, Volume 23, Issue 11, 416 - 424 .